The Curaçao National Anti-Doping Organization (C-NADO) was established in 2016 by Mr. Ruthsel Martina, the then vice-president of the Curaçao Sports and Olympic Federation (FDOK), with support of FDOK and the local government. In that same year, C-NADO became member of the Caribbean Regional Anti-Doping Organization (RADO), which is based in Barbados.


C-NADO’s main objective is:
To ensure that sport federations member of the FDOK adopt and implement rules, policies, and programs which conform to the code and the “Promote Prohibit list”.

  1. To cooperate with other relevant Anti-Doping Organizations.
  2. To encourage reciprocal testing between Anti-Doping Organizations.
  3. To promote Anti-Doping education.


C-NADO’s key responsibilities are:

  1. Doping Control- Testing and Training
  2. Education and Advocacy
  3. Programs Implementation
  4. Communication
  5. Sustainability


C-NADO’s roles are:

  1. To assist the FDOK, and national sport federations, in becoming compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code.
  2. To conduct In-and-Out-of-Competition Testing.
  3. To implement Education Programs regarding consequences of the use of prohibited substances in sport.


VISION: To have a unified sports community committed to clean sports
MISSION: To lead, promote and coordinate clean sports in Curaçao
VALUES: Dedication, professionalism, unity


Mr. Ruthsel G. Martina, Chairman, Doping Control Officer.
Mr. Edsel Cominencia, treasurer, Doping Control Officer
Mr. Ellis F. Davelaar, lawyer.
Mr. Ramfis R Fillet, medical doctor.
Mr. Mark A. P. E. Curiel, Doping Control Officer



Curaçao National Anti-Doping Organization

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Caribbean Regional Anti-Doping Organization

C-NADO is a member of RADO.
RADO is based in Barbados and acts as the secretariat for anti-doping issues for Caribbean countries.

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World Anti-Doping Agency

WADA’s, 2015 Anti-Doping Code,
has to be followed by sport organizations
and public authorities around the world.

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