The main goal of the federation for track & field in Curaçao is to make this sport in Curaçao from good to better, by strengthening, innovating, and organizing optimum championships



In a constantly changing playing field of trends and developments, of heroes and hypes, is adaptation and innovation essential for participation. And so, it is important to focus on those activities that make a difference and have an impact. Therefore, initiatives that radiate ambition and energy need to be supported where collaboration is an obvious condition. Only then will it be possible to realize the ambition and thereby maintain and strengthen the upward trend of track and field in Curaçao.



  • To make “Nos Atletismo” (Our Athletics) a household slogan
  • To strengthen and innovate athletics in Curaçao, by organizing optimum championships;
  • Tying other walking and running events and groups to the federation;
  • Investing in world class success;
  • Introducing a stable financial model.



  • Work towards a huge and dedicated fanbase;
  • Bring our Track & Field heroes to the fans;
  • Work on talent as human capital;
  • Focus on the youth as the foundation of this sport
  • Create international opportunities for our athletes